
Cawsom wybod mewn datganiad gan yr Urdd bore ‘ma fod yr Eisteddfod Sir ar Fawrth 28ain wedi ei chanslo ac Eisteddfod Genedlaethol yr Urdd oedd i’w chynnal yn Ninbych ddiwedd Mai wedi ei gohirio tan 2021.

Hefyd, i sylw rhieni a gofalwyr Blwyddyn 5 – mae Gwersyll yr Urdd yng Nghaerdydd yn cau ar Fawrth 20fed, nes ceir rhybudd pellach. Unwaith y derbyniwn fwy o wybodaeth am yr ymweliad fis Mehefin, byddwn yn ei rannu efo chi.


We have been informed this morning by the Urdd that the County Eisteddfod that was due to be held on March 28th has been cancelled and the National Urdd Eisteddfod that was to be held in Denbigh at the end of May has been postponed until 2021.

Also, for the attention of Year 5 parents and carers – the Urdd Centre in Cardiff where the children were supposed to visit in June is closing this Friday until further notice. Once we receive more information about this visit, we will let you know.